Thursday, July 7, 2011

Best of Friends

Here are two birds who are best of friends. Mr Owl and Bright Eyes ! Some prototypes I have been playing with.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's been a while!

I haven't blogged for a while but consistent none the less for the few and far between posts I make.
I have put Wednesday's aside for my creative days where whim and fancy take over from the usual daily chores.

So today I decided I would take a stroll through my boxes of scraps and little bits that get discarded from projects and creations.

Here is what I have been playing with today (not completed yet) and some photos from the past couple of months..


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Children's Creations..

When my daughters friends come to play they really love getting into my fabric scrap tub and creating all manner of things.
These are three pieces they created. They did it all except the machine sewing, which I offered to do for them. The pillows have a different face on each side.

I think they are cute ...don't you agree!!!

Ali XX
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